Company : PT Merpati Mahardika Company Profile
Role : Film Director & Editor
Project : Company Profile Video
Year : 2022

Company : Personal
Role : Product and Flutter Development
Project : Mobile Application
Year : 2022


Productive Day is a personal project that was inspired by my infatuation to leading a good simple life. Springed from my fascination to the minimalist movement and management years on how to lead effectively a diverse team across different nationalities, background and age. As it turns out, you can certainly do more with less!

Main Screen
Add To-Do
Habit Scren

Company : Endo Andalan Nusantara
Role : Product and Flutter Development
Project : Mobile Application
Year : 2021

Download: Play Store (Only Available in Indonesia and Malaysia)

My very first attempt at coding and developing a mobile application with Flutter. Despite the long hours getting familiarity with libraries and research (which I learned that is what Developers mostly do) the fundamental of creating a succesful app is still the same; objectives! And coding will come more structured, clean and efficient.

Endo Andalan main objective was to grow awareness among Endoscope technicians; providing resources and education in handling and maintaining endoscopy devices. With hundreds of variations and types, how do we structure the app to best serve the objectives and provide ease to users.

Main Screen
Handling Screen
Problem Screen
Article Screen